What makes an investment strategy successful?

At the Equity Risk Management Division, we customize option solutions to manage your price risk while increasing the probability of achieving positive returns. This reduces reliance on share price direction while protecting against unforeseen downward movements. Calculated entry and exit points provide timely decisions taking emotion out of the equation. Our disciplined management style incorporates multi-layered market analysis derived from constant contact with floor traders, hedge fund managers and analysts.

Concentrated Asset Risk Management Strategies

Strategic options solutions reduce risk and generate income from concentrated assets while maintaining the benefit of ownership. Our Dynamic Collaring Strategies utilize covered calls to enhance yield and generate cash from shares while protective puts provide downside insurance to set levels and periods of time. We protect and monetize stock and options positions.

Risk-Adjusted Portfolio Management Strategies

Our risk adjusted portfolio management strategies utilize options to enhance and provide positive returns on stocks that appreciate, remain flat, or decline in value. Risk is reduced and probability of making money increased versus a traditional “buy and hold” strategy.

Key Bios

Senior Director
Equity Risk Management

Jason Weissman

“Equity Risk Management. A better way to own stocks.”
Jason Weissman
Senior Director
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